Be You, Just Better
The best thing you can do for Easter services is to stay in the lane of who you are, but at another level of excellence.
- Focus less on wow-ing with preaching and more on celebrating your people, and the impact you are making in your community. You can never go wrong with telling stories of lives changed and highlighting specific ways you have helped people in your area.
- Easter services should look like every other weekend—show people what they will get when they come back.
- Go into spring cleaning mode and identify where improvements can be made to make everything a bit more excellent. Empower your staff to look around the building and identify opportunities for paint touch up, carpet cleaning, etc.

Create Clear Next Steps
The weeks leading up to Easter are a great time to make sure your next step communication and follow-up processes are clear, simple, and consistent.
- Faith decisions: we have a robust process to ensure each person has an opportunity to connect with our team and receive a Bible & copy the book, Closer to help them in their faith journey.
- First time guests: if people like what you served up at Easter, they will want to know more. Make sure the first step of your assimilation process is clearly communicated.
- For everyone: promote an upcoming opportunity for anyone to engage. We like to communicate our annual Serve Day—people love to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

Give a Reason to Come back
The most important thing you will do this Easter is to answer the question, "Why should I come back next week?"
- Promote your upcoming series. Every year after Easter, we do a family series because it hits a major felt need for our church.
- Get the kids involved. Our kids team has Donut Palooza the week after Easter because it is simple, effective, and makes kids want to keep coming back to learn about Jesus!

invest in your serve team
Your volunteers are the heroes of Easter!
- Go the extra mile. Many people will serve multiple services—so think about how, with a little hospitality, you can show them some love.
- It's all about showing people the love of Jesus! There is both a buzz and a tension with Easter—it's a stress test all of our teams. During these moments, we are extra focused on keeping the “why” in front of our Serve Team.
- Don’t miss the opportunity to grow your volunteer base. Seasonal, event opportunities are great recruiting tools for volunteers. They try it, love it, and want to keep doing it.

ensure a great guest connection
- Focus on areas where Guests self identify—guest parking, children’s checkin, or guest areas.
- If you are asking for guest information, make sure to answer the question, "Why should I give them my information?" We make sure to let people know that no-one will show up their door, and also send them a $5 gift card as a thank you.
- Make sure your first time guest follow-up process is fresh and ready.