Since 2002 Milestone Church has seen significant growth. Over the years we have seen God move in supernatural ways and at every stage, we realized we needed to to create processes to better take care of people.  Every stage of our growth has had its own unique challenges, victories, and lessons learned. We don't believe that we are the experts, but we have learned the things that work well for us and believe they can work well for you.

Lead to Win offers plays we have run, and stayed true to over the years, that we believe are scalable for whatever stage or size your church is at.

  • We believe you AND your church can grow.

    Jesus promised to build His Church. Empires and Fortune 500 companies rise and fall, but the Church endures. You and your church are part of this. Therefore, we believe your best days are in front of you!

  • We do not believe someone else has to lose in order for you to win.

    When we use the term “winning,” we don’t mean one church or leader is better than another. The body of Christ is a family designed to love and serve each other. Every church and every leader has a stewardship from God, an important contribution to make, and a redemptive potential for who they and their church can become. One day each of us will answer the question, “What did you do with what you were given?” By this standard, winning is simply doing everything you can to become everything God created you to be.

  • We believe winners surround themselves with other winners.

    Everyone wants to win, but only some are willing to do what it takes to win. Winners find each other and inspire each other to continual improvement. And by spending time with other winners, you pick up principles and habits that make you better.

  • We believe winning is the outcome of running winning plays.

    Winning is the natural outcome of a strategic process. The score takes care of itself if you run the right plays. Too often, churches and leaders look at the wrong scoreboards. Creating a healthy culture and a winning environment requires intentionality. For example, if you only measure weekend attendance, your ability to evaluate and improve your strategic plan will be limited.

  • We believe winning is holistic.

    Yes, we want to help your church grow and be healthy. But many times we can lose in areas like our health, energy management, and personal relationships. We want you to win in your soul, your marriage, with your kids, and with your team. And ultimately, we want you to finish your race well.


Speaking Request