Churchwide campaigns

Message Content

Promo Material

Small Group Leader Guide

Kids Curriculum

Study Guide

Create momentum in your church
Take your entire church on a journey that will increase your attendance, engage your leaders and create meaningful connections.
Topics your church will love
Hearing God
Take your church on a journey and help each person discover how to hear God’s voice and the different ways He speaks to us.

Take your church on a journey to show them how God shows up in our lives and meets us in our moment of need.

Take your church on a spiritual growth journey utilizing the power and principles of the seed.

Show your church that when we live according to God's Kingdom and its principles, we’ll find that our lives in Him are unshakable.
How to Use a Campaign
1. Purchase a campaign
- Message content on topics your church cares about.
- Kids curriculum that fosters genuine excitement in God’s word.
2. Prep & Promote
- Web, social, and email graphics ready for your team to use.
- Trailer video to generate series anticipation.
3. Launch
- Provide participants with a study guide that makes it simple and fun to engage in God’s word
- Equip your small group leaders with content and discussion questions for their group