Coaching & Development in Life & Faith

Lead to Win exists to gather, coach, and resource leaders to win at what matters most.


Chris Hodges

Church of the Highlands

"Every leader benefits from coaching. Coaches help us see things we can't, give us confidence to enlarge our vision, and provide permission to prioritize the things that matter the most. My friend Jeff Little is one of the finest leaders and coaches I know, and I'm certain you will greatly benefit from his strategic thinking and biblical encouragement. He has a unique ability to help leaders win on the scoreboards that truly matter."

Clear Plays

Simple, practical, and scalable strategies to help grow and engage your church.


Lead pastor coaching and digital trainings to equip leaders to go further in what matters most.


Books & message content designed for growth & development.

  • Rodrigo Vargas

    Union Houston

    "My Way to Win group is having a huge impact—men are beginning to take responsibility for their headship as spiritual fathers of their homes. They have taken time off of work to work on the family and heal areas they have abandoned."

  • Brandon Cormier

    Zeal Church, Colorado Springs

    "I had been wanting to pour into a group of men in my church for a while, the problem was finding the right resource. I love how The Way to Win sets me up to win as a pastor at discipling the men in my church."

  • Taelor Martinez

    Milestone Church

    "Promises is not only an absolutely stunning study guide, but it is foundational and life-giving. I loved going through this study with my small group and understanding God's promises to us in our most important relationships and biggest struggles. I understood God in a way I hadn't ever grasped before; it brought me closer to Him."
